Do’s and Don’ts of Keeping Invisalign Clean

by | May 9, 2024 | Invisalign

Within the realm of orthodontics, Invisalign has achieved rockstar status. It’s practically invisible to use clear aligners instead of big, heavy metal braces. To be at the top of its game, Invisalign requires regular cleaning, just like any superhero.

There are two key reasons to keep your aligners clean. First of all, it stops the unpleasant accumulation of plaque and germs, which can damage your teeth and cause foul breath. Aligners that are kept clean remain clear! Nobody wants their smile to be compromised by discolored, hazy aligners.

How then do you become your Invisalign trays’ best friend? Put on your cleaning apron and adhere to these tips for maintaining gleaming aligners:

Do: Brush Those Aligners Twice a Day

You must clean your aligners in the same manner as you brush your teeth! Plaque and food particles that can become lodged on the surface can be removed by brushing them twice a day, in the morning and the evening. The rundown on brushing is as follows:

  • Employ a different soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching the aligners with any residue or dirt from your regular brush. A baby toothbrush is very useful.
  • Your companion is gentle soap: Forego the expensive mouthwash or toothpaste. All you need is a mild soap without any aroma.
  • Act like a kind giant: The aligners may get scratched if you brush too firmly. To thoroughly clean all the crevices and nooks, use gentle, circular strokes.

Do: Soak It Up for Extra Cleanliness

Brushing is vital, but occasionally you also need a more thorough cleaning. This is when soaking becomes useful:

  • The cleaning solution for Invisalign is invaluable: Purchase a cleaning solution made especially for Invisalign. These treatments are designed to eliminate microorganisms and stubborn stains in a gentle manner.
  • Observe the guidelines: Because every cleaning solution is unique, be sure to carefully follow the instructions. While the soaking period varies, it typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
  • Every few days, soak: Include soaking in your regimen; perhaps do it every other night.

Do: Rinse After Every Meal (if you can’t brush)

It’s true that when you’re on the road, it’s not always practical to brush after every meal. However, this does not have to be the case for your aligners. Here’s a simple remedy:

  • Rinse them thoroughly in lukewarm water. This will get rid of any leftover flavors or food particles.
  • When you can, brush. Make sure to give your aligners their regular brushing routine as soon as you get the chance.

Avoid letting hot water distort your smile.

Although everyone enjoys a hot shower, your Invisalign trays don’t! The plastic may get distorted if they are exposed to hot water, making them difficult to wear. Thus, use just lukewarm water to rinse and clean.

Don’t: Use your aligners as a Snack Attack Weapon

The way Invisalign works is by gradually moving your teeth. However, you run the risk of harming your aligners as well as your teeth if you eat chips or other hard foods while wearing them. It’s easy to follow: remove your aligners whenever you eat or drink anything other than water.

Don’t: Shroud Your Aligners in Tissue or Mystery

Pets and dust bunnies will be drawn to your aligners if you leave them outside. When not in use, always store them in their designated case. This keeps them safe from harm or loss.

Remember that your case also has to be cleaned

Your case may harbor bacteria in the same way as your aligners. Give your case a brief scrape with warm water and light soap once a week. Reinstall your aligners only after allowing it to air dry completely.

Use Natural Means to Fight Stains

Stains can occur even with regular maintenance. Here are a few organic methods to address them:

  • Baking soda power: Combine a small amount of baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the discoloration gently, then give it a good rinse.
  • Magic with hydrogen peroxide: Combine equal parts water and 3% hydrogen peroxide to remove obstinate stains. After soaking for 15 to 30 minutes, thoroughly rinse your aligners.

You can make sure your Invisalign aligners remain clear, comfortable, and clean throughout your treatment by adhering to these dos and don’ts. Recall that proper care can lead to a brilliant smile and a successful Invisalign experience.
